B2A COVID-19 Updates
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All B2A Tutoring & Classes Are Now Conducted Online!
March 18, 2020
Out of abundance of precaution against COVID-19 cases in our cities, we at Berkeley2 Academy have decided it is in the best interest of our students' and staff's health and wellness to hold all classes online until further notice.
Here is our simple 5-step guide to accessing our Berkeley2 Academy online classes:
What you will need:
There is no software you need to download. All you need is a laptop or a desktop with built-in web camera or external USB camera. Find yourself a quiet, private space with good wifi connection where you will be accessing the online class. Use Chrome, Safari, or Firefox as your web browser. Bring a calculator for math and a notebook to take notes on.
Check your Gmail the day before the class to access your curriculum via Google Drive sharing. (You must use the Gmail account you recently provided us for this use.)
10-15 minutes before the start of the class, check your Gmail. You will have received an email from Google Hangouts Meet with an invitation link to access the online class.
Click on the invitation link and then click "Join now". Please wait for the admin to grant you access.
Click "Allow" for the platform to access your camera and microphone; mute your microphone until further notice from your instructor.
Once you are in, your instructor will take attendance and start the class. If you have trouble accessing the class, please your respective branch.
Note to Students: Please BE ON TIME for your online classes. If you are late, you will need to notify the front desk ASAP to join the video call. Also, have the camera facing towards you and keep the mic muted during the lecture. Instructors will tell you when to use the group chat or unmute to ask/answer questions. We want to make the online class as social and interactive as possible, which means seeing everyone's faces, but we need to keep background noises to a minimum!
If your device cannot support video/mic, please chat the instructor at the beginning of class. Chat icon will be available on the top right corner.
An additional word on our Berkeley2 Academy online tutoring:
For online tutoring, we are currently using Google Hangouts, Skype, and Zoom (your preference). The setup for tutoring is very similar to that for classes:
Students will need a computer with microphone/video and access to wifi.
Students will be provided an online B2A folder in Google Drive where admin will share curriculum/tests.
Students will be invited to online tutoring sessions (or, if needed, they can send the invite to the teacher).
For any other technical difficulties, please CALL your respective front desk for assistance.
PLANO: (972) 515-0330
NORTHWEST AUSTIN: (512) 968-7571
WESTLAKE: (512) 347-7575
Click here to read How to Make the Most of Video Tutoring and Online Classes. :)

Berkeley² Academy Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
March 13, 2020
As global concern about the current COVID-19 outbreak grows, we at Berkeley2 Academy want to take proper precautions to ensure the health and safety of all our students, their families, and staff.
Since the virus is highly contagious and there's currently no vaccine, we all need to:
1. Stay home if we are sick.
If you experience cold flu-like symptoms, or simply a running nose, please stay home. Because the coronavirus produces cold-like symptoms in 80% of infected individuals, it's important to remain at home when ill regardless of how mild your symptoms are.
2. Refrain from visiting the workplace after traveling to an infected city or high-risk country.
Effective immediately, any staff/students or anyone in the family who has completed travel to either a Level 2 or Level 3 country OR believe they may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus will not be allowed to return to our center for a 14-day period. The current list of Level 2 or Level 3 countries may be found on the CDC information for Travel Page here. We ask that you stay home to rest and fully recover before returning to class.
3. Lastly, we ask everyone to follow the following steps to prevent the spread of any viruses.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. (We have sanitizers ready at each branch.)
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
We'll ensure the workplace has alcohol-based hand sanitizer at the front desk and regularly lysol all surfaces.
Thank you for your cooperation to help ensure the safety and health of everyone.
Summer 2020 Registrations Open!
February 18, 2020
Note from 3/18/20: We are watching the news and listening to health officials on COVID-19. If necessary, we will conduct Summer Session classes online. However, we haven't made that determination yet.
Register before March 28 to receive a 20% Early Registration Discount!
(if siblings register concurrently, an additional 10% Sibling Discount will be applied).
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