B2A Seminars
Upcoming Seminars
Saturday, Feb. 22 | 3-4:30pm
In this seminar, James Seo, Founder and Director of Berkeley² Academy, will share 16 years of top-tier college admissions expertise to give your student a competitive edge in college admissions.
This FREE seminar is designed to give you and your student the most up-to-date information and advice on the best strategies to utilize in preparation for college admissions. Both students and parents are welcome.
3월 8일 토요일 | 오후 3 - 4:30시
한국어로 진행되는 본 설명회에서 버클리 아카데미의 창립자 제임스 서 원장은 16년간의 경력으로 쌓아온 최상위 명문대 입시 노하우를 공유합니다. 귀하의 자녀가 대학 입시에서 경쟁력을 갖출 수 있도록 조언을 받아보세요.
이 무료 입시 설명회는 학부모님들과 학생들에게 가장 최신의 입시 정보와 최고의 입시 대비 전략을 드릴 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 부모님들은 물론, 학생들의 참석을 적극 권장합니다.
Saturday, Mar. 29 | 3-4:30pm
In this seminar, James Seo, Founder and Director of Berkeley² Academy, will share 16 years of top-tier college admissions expertise to give your student a competitive edge in college admissions.
This FREE seminar is designed to give you and your student the most up-to-date information and advice on the best strategies to utilize in preparation for college admissions. Both students and parents are welcome.
Saturday, Mar. 1 | 3-4:30pm
In this webinar B2A's Assistant Directors will be sharing strategies learned from both their own time at Ivy League Universities, as well as years of successful admission experience, and give advice on how to snag a coveted spot in one of the extremely competitive schools and programs.
This FREE webinar is designed to give you and your student the most up-to-date information and advice on the best strategies to utilize in preparation for college admissions. Both students and parents are welcome.
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